Closing down 2016

There was not much time to recharge after WOC in Strömstad, and I came in to the autumn season with a bad shape (but luckily not as bad as during WOC). Swedish Long Champs in September was a disaster, and I didn’t have neither the phyical shape nor the spirit to get a good result (DNF for the 3rd year in a row! Time to do something different until next year). However, I was really looking forward to the relay and I tried to do everything I could to find some energy for that competition weekend. Apparently it worked, because I found myself in 2nd place in the middle distance, and really pumped for the relay the next day. Kalle and Ruslan ran really well, and I got the opportunity to run out in the very first group for the first time ever at the Swedish Championship Relay. It was a tough battle with Johan Runesson in GMOK for the gold, but despite not feeling great physically I managed to cross the finish line first and bring home the gold medal to OK Ravinen for the first time since 1980! What a feeling to meet Kalle and Ruslan at the finish line, definitly my highlight of the year!

My body started to feel better and better as the weeks went on, but in the middle of a national team training camp I got acute pain in one of the tarsometatarsal joints in my left foot, and couldn’t run, or even walk on it. After some panic filled days with X-rays and medical examinations, we concluded that nothing was broken (I feared a stress fracture), and I slowly started running again, only to feel similar pain in my right foot. I struggled with pain coming and going through 25manna, the World Cup Final and Smålandskavlen (which affected my performances quite much), but it has become a lot better now in November.

The World Cup Final in Aarau, Switzerland, was the biggest thing after the Swedish Champs this autumn, but I traveled there not really looking forward to competing. The intense year was definitly taking its toll, and with pain in my feet I wasn’t really ready for the challenges. A bad long distance performance (with a decent first half and a disatrous second half), and an OK sprint performance meant I could finish 4th in the overall World Cup, wich is good, but I am definitly a little bit disappointed on missing out on the medals.

At November 1st I closed down my 2016 training year, and my focus right now is on continuing to develop as an orienteer and a runner to be able to reach new hights in 2017!

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