Spring of 2023: Ups and downs and struggling with my shape

It has been a really nice spring with some fun races, but also some time spent at home with my family, escpecially in the early parts of the season.

In general I am quite happy with my progress during the winter, and came into the season with confidence, but I have actually struggled a bit with my shape in periods. It has never been really bad, but also quite rarely exactly where I wanted it to be. I can pick out some races where I have felt strong and could race as normal, but also quite many where I struggled physically and didn’t perform at the level I wanted. It is really hard to say what the reason behind that has been, but I can pinpoint some ill-timed colds and minor injuries that has broken up the flow a bit.

I’ve really enjoyed going to races with OK Ravinen, wether it has been smaller relays, Swedish Leagues, Swedish Champs, or the big relays – I am always having such a good time, and the inspiring atmosphere when traveling is amazing (even though there has been some dissappointment in our performances along the way).

I have also loved getting aquainted to the WOC middle distance terrain in Switzerland. Such an amazing and demanding terrain – lets just hope that the WOC-area and course is as fun as the training maps!

Another highlight was of course the World Cup round in Norway, where I could do quite good performances despite not being at my best physically. The long distance wasn’t great from me, but I am really happy with my middle distance and relay performances, and to top it off with a win with the team is always a great feeling!

Now I am looking forward to WOC – hopefully it will be really exciting races!

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