Gustav Bergman

Posts by Gustav Bergman

Becoming four!

The winter and spring has come and gone, and both training and racing has not been as consistent as I had hoped for, but still good enough to find myself in a nice position ahead of World Sprint Champs coming up in Edinburgh. My preparations has been different from earlier years, doing a lot more […]

2023: A lot of bumps in the road

The season 2023 was a season with a lot of bumbs in the road. It started well enough, and I felt quite strong in the early spring and looked forward to the season to come, but already before it had started for real I got quite bad tonsillitis, and was down with a fever for […]

WOC 2023 in Flims-Laax

WOC in Switzerland, one week later:Difficult to summarize, and probably too early to draw any conclusions, but I can at least say that it didn’t end up as I invisioned it. I am very happy with my technical performances, and my focus in an extremely demanding situation, but terribly dissapointed with my physical shape. A […]

Spring of 2023: Ups and downs and struggling with my shape

It has been a really nice spring with some fun races, but also some time spent at home with my family, escpecially in the early parts of the season. In general I am quite happy with my progress during the winter, and came into the season with confidence, but I have actually struggled a bit […]

Winter training (mostly indoors or abroad)

Ahead of this winter I have reshifted my focus from sprint back to forest, and particulary hills, ahead of WOC this summer. Last years racing season seemed to drag on forever, and I was very happy and relieved when it was time to start the winter training again, especially after struggling quite badly with my […]

2022 – a great spring and summer, but a tougher autumn

2022 i almost over, and I will try to summarize my year shortly here. The spring and summer went by rather smoothly, and I have already written about them here and here. I am very happy with my WOC performances, but had slightly higher hopes for EOC – but in general a really good racing […]

Double championships

It has been an intense summer with 2 very different championships: The first being World Orienteering Championships in Denmark, with only sprint disciplines, and the second being European Orienteering Championships in Estonia, with only forest disciplines. To combine the two definitly was a challenge, and I can’t say I did it perfectly (even though the […]

Spring of 2022

With WOC coming up, I will try to summarize the spring season of 2022 briefly. During the winter, I focused a lot on improving my running on flat, hard surfaces, with the aim of getting in the Swedish team for Sprint WOC in Denmark, and more specifically getting a place in the sprint relay team. […]

Closing down the international season 2021 early

I am very proud with a lot of things this season. To win an individual sprint medal (bronze at EOC) in a fast, continental sprint was above my expectations. I am also very proud of my performances during the WOC week in Czech Republic, especially during the relays. I thoroughly enjoy racing in a team, […]

Looking back at 2020

2020 has been a demanding year, for sure, but it has also been full of highlights. Even if the pandemic struck hard and paralyzed our whole society fram March onwards, the first couple of months of the year was the toughest for our family, trying to cope with illness and finding a way forward from […]

knee compression sleeve