Looking back at 2020

2020 has been a demanding year, for sure, but it has also been full of highlights. Even if the pandemic struck hard and paralyzed our whole society fram March onwards, the first couple of months of the year was the toughest for our family, trying to cope with illness and finding a way forward from that. In a way, the cancelation of (almost) the whole orienteering season came with perfect timing, allowing us to spend more time together as a family and not travel to races and training camps. (And in a way, the whole spring turned into one big training camp, with my club OK Ravinen stepping up and providing amazing trainings, making it really easy to keep the motivation high.) And it didn’t hurt that Nore was at the perfect age (just turned one before the pandemic struck) for staying at home and not doing that much else, just exploring the local surroundings and enjoying watching him grow up.

All in all, the spring and summer was been really good for me personally. Of course I have missed travelling and racing, but I also really enjoyed focusing on training and developing. And I have been able to get a little bit of racing as well, with the Swedish Championships being held in the autumn. They were really nice races, in demanding terrain (mostly) and good courses, and I managed to win all 3 individual races (middle, long, and sprint) which I have never done before, and am very happy with (obviously).

With the 2nd wave of covid now hitting the world quite hard, I am grateful that we had some time of relief in the summer and early autumn to race, and I hope that everyone will take their responsibility, follow the authorities guidelines, and get vaccinated when possible, so we can look forward to a somewhat more normal orienteering season in 2021!

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